We're an 12 year old professional event planning company that organizes & promotes fairs & festivals around SWFL. Interested in vending? Please click on the event/date and read the description for all of the requirements before purchasing. Food Trucks & company reps please email Christy Dunn at: LLSN@comcast.net to check availability before purchasing. PLEASE READ OUR TERMS & COMPANY POLICY before purchasing. ALL EVENTS ARE NON refundable and NON transferrable to future dates for any reason including weather. Please be sure to have the date available.
Follow us on Facebook at Local Ladies Social Network, Inc. / LLSN Events
Vendors can download our free LLSN EVENTS app. Get it on Google Play or Download on the App Store.
We're a privately owned professional event coordinating company. We have many events including fairs, festivals, markets, and social events throughout the year to help boost the local economy. Most events are free public admission and are family friendly. We’re seeking vendors & sponsors for our upcoming events. We strive to provide successful events with excellent opportunities for local businesses to associate theirselves with. We believe by purchasing from local vendors it keeps your money in circulation within the local community, creating & maintaining local jobs and sustainability. When supporting your local small businesses, not only are you supporting someone's dream but you're supporting local families! Our community events support our local small businesses, residents and charities as well as provide fun for all! All events are under the event section of our Facebook page. We have many events throughout the year. https://www.facebook.com/localladiessouthflorida/
Keep our community strong by coming out and supporting our local small businesses!
Thank you, Christy Dunn-Founder/ CEO
We're a privately owned professional event coordinating company. We've been in business for 12 years! We have many events including fairs, festivals, markets, and social events throughout the year to help boost the local economy. Most events are free public admission and are family friendly. We’re seeking vendors for our upcoming events. We strive to provide successful events with excellent opportunities for local businesses to associate their selves with. We believe by purchasing from local vendors it keeps your money in circulation within the local community, creating & maintaining local jobs and sustainability. When supporting your local small businesses, not only are you supporting someone's dream but you're supporting local families! Our community events support our local small businesses, residents and charities as well as provide fun for all! Copyright 2025 Terms & Conditions: Please click here to read all terms & conditions before purchasing a space. https://www.llsnevents.com/pages/terms